"MRP" is a Kannada comedy film released in 2020, directed by S.R. Suresh. The film stars Hari, Chaitra Reddy, and features a character named Bahubali in a comedic role. Here's a brief overview of the film:
- Title: MRP
- Release Year: 2020
- Director: S.R. Suresh
- Producer: Not specified
- Music Composer: Not specified
Plot Summary
"MRP" is a comedy film that follows the amusing adventures of the main characters, primarily focusing on the comedic scenarios that arise from their interactions and misunderstandings. The story typically revolves around everyday situations exaggerated for humor, involving romance, misunderstandings, and playful interactions between characters.
- Hari: Known for his role in Kannada cinema, Hari brings a humorous touch to the film with his performance.
- Chaitra Reddy: A popular Kannada actress, Chaitra Reddy plays a significant role in the film, contributing to the comedic elements.
- Bahubali: This character likely represents a comedic homage or parody of the epic character from the "Baahubali" film series, adding a humorous twist to the movie.
Comedy Elements
The film features several comedic scenes that play on everyday scenarios and popular cultural references, including:
- Naanu Diet Nalli Edini Ishtu Thinalla: A humorous scene where characters discuss dieting and food in an exaggerated manner.
- Kengeri Morine Maimele Hakondu: Another comedic scene with a funny situation or dialogue.
"MRP" has gained popularity online, with various scenes from the film accumulating millions of views on platforms like YouTube. The film's comedic approach and relatable humor have made it a favorite among Kannada-speaking audiences.
If you are looking to watch the full movie or specific scenes, you can find them on platforms like YouTube, where the film has been widely shared by channels such as SRS Media Vision.