"Pancharangi" is a popular Kannada film released in 2010, directed by Yogaraj Bhat. The movie stars Diganth, Nidhi Subbaiah, and Anant Nag in lead roles, with a supporting cast that includes Ramya Barna, Rangayana Raghu, and others.
Plot Summary: The story of "Pancharangi" revolves around a young man named Bharath, played by Diganth, who is laid-back and philosophical in his approach to life. The film is set in a coastal village where Bharath's family has gathered for his brother's engagement.
During this time, Bharath meets and falls in love with Ambika, played by Nidhi Subbaiah, who is equally free-spirited and has her own unique take on life.
The movie is known for its witty dialogues, scenic cinematography, and memorable music by Mano Murthy. "Pancharangi" explores themes of love, life, and the generational gap, all presented in Yogaraj Bhat's signature style of light-hearted yet meaningful storytelling.
Music: The soundtrack of the film, composed by Mano Murthy, became very popular, with songs like "Lifeu Ishtene" becoming a hit among the youth.
"Pancharangi" was well-received by audiences for its fresh narrative, relatable characters, and the humorous yet introspective take on life, making it one of the notable films in Kannada cinema.